
Wheat Free & Gluten Free Mama-Baby Cookies

Did you know that healthy carbs and sweets honestly help counter depression, anxiety, and other mood imbalances?   They are calming, grounding, strengthening, rejuvenating, milk producing, satisfying, sweet tempering, comfort food.  That’s good for baby – and everyone else, of course.  Best leave out a few ingredients, like chocolate, and see below.

So, cookies are not inherently a sinful food, ladies and gentlemen!  Serotonin increasing, there are multiple reasons the nervous system benefits from sufficient good carbs, properly prepared and used.  If you know the metabolic principle “Vata dosha” let’s just say cookies are a vata pacifying food, if you digest them well ;-).


About 2 weeks after birth or when bowels and digestion are working well, our mamas LOVE our cardamom shortbread cookies so much they keep asking for them again. Free of  leavening, egg, and with lotsa good fats and carbs, they suit our craving for good calories and healthy building foods.  Needs are much higher after birth, right?   Digestive needs are too, hence the leavening and egg free; follow your AyurDoula’s guidance too.

So to adapt the usual recipe, AND make them wheat or gluten free, we take iron rich sugars with organic good cholesterol fats with non-gmo grain/flours, some digestive spice…. It’s not classical Ayurved, but with good digestion and elimination works better than most sweets and they give more lasting fuel.  So satisfying!  The complex carbs, protein and fats give stabilizing blood sugar ie longer burning fuel and nutrition.  Stability is well, very desirable with the post birth fragility, even if we don’t usually think in those terms THERE’S OTHER BENEFITS, NOT JUST THE YUMMINESS OF COMFORT FOOD!

Here’s a variation for WHEAT FREE OR GLUTEN FREE SHORTBREAD. The first grain option has gluten, the second does not.  Many handle the first better than wheat.  Yes, it is more digestible than the gluten free option for most.  See key notes below on the gluten free option.

1.5 cups unbleached spelt flour (or amaranth flour)
1/2 cup barley flour (or sorghum flour)
1 cup butter
1 cup succanat
1 tsp cardamom powder
1/2-1 tsp ginger powder
1/4-1/2 tsp salt option

Option: 1/4-cup or so whey from yoghurt, or coconut water, water (or something similar).

The moisture is definitely not required but helps the food processor capture all sugar and butter into smoothe, and makes them a little lighter.  A standard shortbread recipe has an extra 1/4-1/2 cup flour but I find the spelt and barley or amaranth/sorghum options are drier and need more fat.

Yes, fat to counteract dryness in the body.  Opposite of dry is oily, in Ayurved.   Opposite of dense is liquid, including water, whey, oil et al.

To prepare:

  1. Set butter out to soften, earlier.*
  2. Turn oven on to 300 degrees and get your 9X12 ish brownie pan out. No butter or flouring is needed.
  3. Put butter, sugar, AND spices in the food processor or mixing bowl. Blend well, optionally adding a little liquid.
  4. In separate bowl, add flours and use a whisk to mix and fluff.
  5. Blend in the buttery mixture in the flours. IT works better NOT to put all in the food processor unless you just give a few pulses the gluten will over develop and make cookies tough.**
  6. Press the mix into your baking pan.  Sprinkle nuts on top if you like, or add to batter.
  7. Put in the hot oven (300 not 350) and SET YOUR TIMER for about 25 minutes – check then and optionally add 5-10 minutes – some ovens are cool or baking pans smaller (translate, more per square inch to cook) than others.   They are better a little soft and not burnt on the edges, and they will crisp up when cool.
  8. While still somewhat warm, cut into desired size and shape.  Remove when cool and enjoy!  Store for several days if they last that long in your home, in covered jar or tin.


  • Add a few nuts or seeds to add protein staying power, or even chopped candied ginger (ummmm!) or Tbs fresh lemon peel….options are many.

    Cookies and tea
    Our wheat-free Cardamom Ginger Shortbread with “Sweet-water Lactation Tea”
  • Great with a teaspoon of anise seed instead, which is a galactagogue (promotes lactation), by the way. They are not just for taste.
  • We might add chopped dates or fig later, but raisins and other dried fruits have a sour “vipak” (post digestive effect) and add more risk of fermentation in the gut.  So we minimize this combination with other foods of any kind, cereal included.

* *GLUTEN FREE NOTES:  I did put flour in with butter/sugar in food processor, when we made a 3 parts amaranth and 1 part sorghum flour version of this recipe though. Note that the amaranth is higher protein, but a more astringent and heavier food. Better wait another week or 3.   Many gluten free mixes are on the market.  Those with legume flours may be more gas producing for mama-baby.  Which means, risky to comfort and health.  Those with potato or tapioca starch along with grain flours, may be more complex on your digestion too (grain enzymes being different from starch enzymes and sometimes confusing our tummies).  As noted, this one is heavier too, but neither amaranth or sorghum is a grain really.  See what works, experimenting when digestion is stronger.

* Have you ever compared the difference between organic and non-organic butterfat?  Make ghee with them, and taste the stuff at the top and bottom.  You will never go back to non-organic.





Warm Smoothies

Nourish postpartum mothers for lactation, strength and rejuvenation with warm smoothies.  Sound wierd?  They are delicious, or can be.  Here is a Mother’s Nourishing Oat Drink.  I would love to hear recipe play.

Maya Tiwari’s cookbook, A Life of Balance has some good recipes to work with, and can use some modifications for the postpartum window.   Coming out of a long home spring cleanse (PK style), my agni is iffy and my craving is for rejuvenating influences – I’m a good candidate (using less oil/ghee) for testing postpartum recipes.  How about you or loved ones?  Children love these too.

Both barley and oats are reported by some sources helpful for lactation.   Barley being astringent and more cleansing, it will be more for Kapha moms or after first few weeks, or if there is a cold and she still needs this soothing, nourishing effect.  I’m playing with oats today.

In Ayurved we know the gunas (qualities, out of 20 in nature) here are important influencers on lactation (notes below).

This one is quite good, was easy with pressure cooker and blender, and can use some refinements still.

Nourishing and Strengthening Oat Drink
serves 4

Quick and Easy!

2 cups pure water in medium pressure cooker
1/4 cup steel cut oats
2 cup water on oats, in stainless inset bowel for pressure cooker
3 T iron rich sweetener – dates, succanat or jaggery syrup not raisins
1/2 tsp anise or fennel seed
2 – 3 slices fresh ginger
2 T light sesame oil
1/4 tsp mineral salt
1/2 tsp Bala

or use 1 tsp-1Tbs extra ghee per serving for early postpartum mothers


  1. Put oats, sweetener, herbs, fat and salt with 2 cups of pure water in stainless bowel, on a stainless trivet or a few ball jar screw on lids, in the pressure cooker.  This setup will prevent the oat water from sliming the pressure cooker valve.
  2. Put at least 2 cups of pure water in the bottom of the pressure cooker – should come up or just over the trivet in a medium or smaller pressure cooker.   You will need more water in a larger pot.
  3. bring the pressure up and cook for several minutes.  This/instructions vary a little from brand to brand and by my experience, is not critical as long as it is cooked enough.  Turn it off and let set until pressure is down – this continues to cook safely without your attention.
  4. Add your warm (not boiling hot) oat mix and the cooking water in the pot to the blender.
  5. Process well and serve warm, and the same day.  Wonderful snack or early morning food for mama; she gets  extra ghee in hers.

Notes – the oats, anise or fennel and qualities (among the 20 gunas) of this preparation all support good lactation:  warm, oily, moist, sweet, very easy to digest includes some digestive and appetite enhancing spices usually.  Extra thin, creamy texture and all this is grounding, integrating, building to plasma/lymph tissue (rasa dhatu), from which breast milk is made.

If you like to play with recipes, here are some suggestions in keeping with postnatal needs –

  1. whatever source oats you have available – no pressure cooker needed for quick cookers.  Whole/steel cut gives best flavor
  2. presoak the steel cut oats or other grain
  3. instead of sesame oil, use ghee (min 1 tsp /cup, maybe 1 Tbs for most new mamas)
  4. 1/2 Cinnamon stick in with the oats – powder for quick oats
  5. dry ginger (and sesame oil) for kaphas
  6. more water for stove top cooking
  7. 2-4 Tbs soaked cashews after 10 days
  8. or 2 T soaked hulled mung after first few days, for added and balanced protein, with extra 1/2 cup water
  9. leave out herbs if desired.  notes:
    • the Bala is for strengthening nerves, grounding, special Vata rasayan
    • or Shatavari after 8-9 days for galactague and female systems rejuv; estrogenic
    • or Ashwagandha after 8-9 days for grounding, mamsa dhatu, vata, and doing too much
    • or Vidari Kanda or Wild Yam for progesterone supports
  10. Varieties of rice instead of oats – (be sure to soak and pressure or long cook) – favor a few whole cloves, maybe few cardamom seeds.

Madhavi Rathod’s mother taught me the Raab recipe in our cookbook, which is prepared differently, also quick and easy.   You can use rice and other flours in that way also, for even more yum and gluten free options.  For some, especially vegetarians, wheat is particularly satisfying and grounding.  Semolina (organic, please due to all the things they do to the plants these days) may bother some with gluten sensitivity, but the outer husk of wheat which has been removed for semolina, is the culprit as allergen for many of us.

Please share if you get a recipe which sings, ok?  Although I must admit, this body is quite pleased with the results of what I drank 1/2 hour ago.
