
12 Factors for Baby’s Development

Ayurveda defines 12 factors contributing to the quality of baby’s development. Visualize if you can, how nutrition can influence all these 12 factors:

1) Paternal influence

2) Maternal influence

3) Soul/ past life karmas (aatmaja)

4) Agni – Tejas (physical and mental digestive strength)

5) Soma – Ojas quality (immunity strength)

6) Vayu – Prana (vitality — life force strength)

7) The 3 mental Gunas – Sattva, Rajas & Tamas and their influence on mood and character

8) The 5 senses (strength of vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste)

9) The Mind – (stability and strength of focus)

10) The Buddhi (intellect or intelligence)

11) Smruti (memory and ability to retain and recall)

12) the 5 elements (the quantity of earth, water, fire, air and ether in a person’s constitution)

In a nutshell, shukra (sperm) and artava (egg) contain the maternal & paternal elements of heredity. These include components of the: 5 elements, 20 qualities of nature, 3 mental gunas (SRT), three doshas (VPK), 7 dhatus (tissues), and refined essence of the three doshas (ojas, tejas and prana–OTP), all of which shape the embryo  and are known as “basic units of hereditary.”

Within the first 2 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta is working, giving oxygen and life force to the baby. The prana taken in by the mother must be refined and delicate, not intense or jarring. Rasa dhatu (plasma) should be sattvic for this intricate process which means it needs to be clear of ama (toxins) or anything that may obstruct the tiny but critical developments. Pitta toxins and kapha phlegm both morning sickness which blocks the flow of prana. The invisible work of mothers in pregnancy is to provide a supportive harmonious energy field and nourishment for her developing baby’s body and blueprint. Proper nutrition of mind and body (the 12 factors) are what create this environment.

To learn more about the 12 factors for Baby’s development check out the following class:  Enhancing Fertility, Pregnancy and Birth with Ayurveda


Panchakarma — Ayurvedic Cleansing for Conception

hands on back

To prepare for receiving the highest vibration soul and providing the healthiest new body for their baby, the mother and father both to need to calm and balance their doshas, eliminate ama and reduce rajas and tamas in their minds. This manifests as a need to purify body and emotions in some way.

Ayurveda spells out how we can prepare the body and mind for healthy sperm and ova and optimal conception. It’s called Panchakarma and post Panchakarma Rasayana (rejuvenation therapies). This is a fascinating education for practitioners, but you’ll want to attend the Dhatu and Panchakarma advanced classes with Vaidya Bharat ( to unfold this juicy understanding.

Although each mother has brilliant natural maps for growing a baby, she and her partner can make choices in preparation for supporting baby’s plan for incarnation, to cleanse and then strengthen the intricate communications between Baby’s DNA and unfolding her subtle body blueprint. Conception calls on mother and father’s reproductive essence in the sperm and ovum, on their consciousness and on their desires, to match baby’s desire and life purposes. The blueprint structures are built to the soul’s purpose and style, and everyone wants this to be in greatest bliss and success for life.

Panchakarma has been proven to significantly, safely and gently remove significant amounts of petrochemical pollutants in a short time. The body stores these in fat, reproductive, brain and endocrine tissues and these are not easily removed by western cleansing methods. The unique methods of cleansing employed by Ayurveda are safe and gentle, but it is very important that it is done properly to prevent side effects; many practitioners are only partially trained.

Rasayana therapies are rebuilding and rejuvenative, perfect for preparing to concieve and the body receives the benefits of rasayana much more effectively after the Panchakarma sequences are complete. Cleansing without rejuvenation afterwards is not a good idea for those wishing to conceive!

Baby’s genetic memory

Baby’s genetic memory – Do your clients understand the impact of their choices?  Sometimes they can use a nudge to enhance as we have to call it, “compliance” with our health recommendations.  This one may be a sleeper, yet deeper than most realize!  New studies confirm what Ayurved has known for thousands of years.

Ayurvedic medicine reports that our ancestor’s illnesses, viral and otherwise influence our genetics, and show up with iridilogical analysis (iris diagnosis).  For instance, even if Baby has not been exposed to a certain chemical this life, and Grandma has, Baby shows genetic influence of this toxin’s damage.   Recent studies add important weight to this discussion –

“We find that a single exposure to a common-use fungicide (vinclozolin) three generations removed alters the physiology, behavior, metabolic activity, and transcriptome in discrete brain nuclei in descendant males, causing them to respond differently to chronic restraint stress.(”

Find an interview video with the head researcher, Dr. David Crews and more understanding how the impact manifests epigenetically, i.e. on  genetic expression: ”

Then find our discussion of how and which essential oils can help clear both the receptor sites for DNA expression, and miswritten code, in our class, Essential Oils Basics.

We have profound tools from Ayurvedic medicine for preparing the body even to genetic level with Ayurvedic Panchakarma cleansing, and special preparations targeting the nuclear level of the cells such as tikta ghee.  Those who are not yet pregnant and seek to be are in best position to reverse unwanted changes.  Those who are, or with newborns and older, have much to gain also – each according to their specific “season” of life changes, body type and imbalances, and season in the more commonly understood term.

We have much support we can give our clients, and they so often need it, more than ever.  Even those who seem well, eat organic, all these things are less than enough in our polluted times and with the blessings and challenges of our forefathers and mothers.   Native American elders’  warning takes on depth, not just cultural, to make choices for positive influence on the next 7 generations.  And we have the burden of correction for the many who have not made wise decisions.  I hope you will take to heart and into your toolkit resources and service which deeply helps.

Peace –