
Baby’s genetic memory

Baby’s genetic memory – Do your clients understand the impact of their choices?  Sometimes they can use a nudge to enhance as we have to call it, “compliance” with our health recommendations.  This one may be a sleeper, yet deeper than most realize!  New studies confirm what Ayurved has known for thousands of years.

Ayurvedic medicine reports that our ancestor’s illnesses, viral and otherwise influence our genetics, and show up with iridilogical analysis (iris diagnosis).  For instance, even if Baby has not been exposed to a certain chemical this life, and Grandma has, Baby shows genetic influence of this toxin’s damage.   Recent studies add important weight to this discussion –

“We find that a single exposure to a common-use fungicide (vinclozolin) three generations removed alters the physiology, behavior, metabolic activity, and transcriptome in discrete brain nuclei in descendant males, causing them to respond differently to chronic restraint stress.(”

Find an interview video with the head researcher, Dr. David Crews and more understanding how the impact manifests epigenetically, i.e. on  genetic expression: ”

Then find our discussion of how and which essential oils can help clear both the receptor sites for DNA expression, and miswritten code, in our class, Essential Oils Basics.

We have profound tools from Ayurvedic medicine for preparing the body even to genetic level with Ayurvedic Panchakarma cleansing, and special preparations targeting the nuclear level of the cells such as tikta ghee.  Those who are not yet pregnant and seek to be are in best position to reverse unwanted changes.  Those who are, or with newborns and older, have much to gain also – each according to their specific “season” of life changes, body type and imbalances, and season in the more commonly understood term.

We have much support we can give our clients, and they so often need it, more than ever.  Even those who seem well, eat organic, all these things are less than enough in our polluted times and with the blessings and challenges of our forefathers and mothers.   Native American elders’  warning takes on depth, not just cultural, to make choices for positive influence on the next 7 generations.  And we have the burden of correction for the many who have not made wise decisions.  I hope you will take to heart and into your toolkit resources and service which deeply helps.

Peace –